Category Archives: Portraiture

6 Minute Model Shoot ~ Benamoz Headshot and Model Photography Edmonton

6 Minute Model Shoot ~ Benamoz Headshot and Model Photography Edmonton

What can you do in six minutes?
Brew a good cup of coffee, skim a magazine article, Something About Mary’s “6 Minute Ay-abs”, maybe, but a photography session? It is possible when you have a great team and all of the right elements!

To describe the session (it will take me longer than six minutes);

1. The perfect setting – the beaches of LA, quiet, in the month of December, the sun was very bright but there was a haze, acting as a diffuser over our models. It was almost directly overhead in the noon-day sun. You often hear other photographers talk about the horrid and harsh nightmare of mid-day light, but this session did not exactly suffer because of it. In this case, a high-key, GQ-look was what I was after.

LA Models-4

2. The Perfect Models – my models (and yes, they are a couple) really were pros. I say this after working with many models, sometimes over more than a few hours to try and generate the look I achieved here. I am always after natural gesture and this couple ruled in this area! The ability to work with models who do not require coaching is invaluable – sure, there is directing, but not coaching when it comes to true pros!

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3. Time Crunch – at times, there is nothing more motivating than being under a tight schedule. Of course, I am not a fan of this, but when you need to get a job done, you have two options. Get it done, or don’t!  The variables that lead to a hectic schedule can drive you nuts some days, but through a combination of trained study and work with some of the greatest photojournalist photographers, not to mention the world of weddings has prepped me for pretty much anything.  Nothing says “get going” like a call to cocktail hour!

4.  Less Time in Post – the better the photo means  less time in Photoshop.  ‘Nuff said.

Photography…specifically work that causes me to stretch (given over a longer span of time) is my true passion.  When I am approached with a project and the only stipulation given is ‘just run with it’, it truly opens the door to so much more creatively.  Which leads to…

5. Time.  The ever-evasive element I seem to be chasing.  This session, however, may just have proven me wrong!!

Interesting days…more to follow!

Freelance International Photographer
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When I photograph a subject, I not only wish to capture them within a certain moment in time, but to catch the essence of their very soul – at times revealed in just a flicker in that moment in time. Creative Portrait Installment 2: Serenity prayer in New York City.
Photography by Benamoz Ltd.

“Love in Gesture” Award-Winning Photography ~ Edmonton

Love in Gesture - Awarded Photo of the Week by NAPP

There is a story to be told in every photo!  One of our images was recently voted photo of the week by the National Association of Photoshop Professionals.

In NAPP’s post, Larry Becker states “I’d bet Benamoz gets a lot of referral business from happy couples. Look through his couples portrait sessions and you’ll see Madison Avenue quality work that could easily be in a bridal magazine or perfume ad. And since his clients are the models and he makes them look so good, I’m sure they love his work. The image Love in Gesture is an equal mix of art and portraiture. There’s a great frozen moment in time where both subjects are obviously happy and the soft focus on the subjects works really well here to amplify the dream-like quality of the moment. Such tight cropping eliminates the possibility of all distractions and just the couple and their smiles are featured. The black and white post processing is a nice choice and the overall image is quite artistic. He has a good eye.”


New York City Model Session

New York Model Session:  Photography by Benamoz

Just a few images from my rooftop NYC Model Session!  Special thanks to our model Nicole for a job well done.



Model Session - NYC May 2014-3




Model Session - NYC May 2014-7

A special thanks to 5th Floor Studios in Queens for their fantastic location.

Wonderful space and fantastic rooftop view!  Highly recommended team and wonderful to work with!

~ Benamoz

Romance in the Ruins





This location and couple had us at ‘hello’!  Take an ultra-windy day (we love these kinds of days) and a couple that look like GQ models in love that are ultimately, definitely not shy in front of the camera…well, folks, this is how award-winning photos are made!  See their engagement story in photographs below (just a few) – and for more, see the video here!






